Thank you for at least opening this , I'm sure most of you are going to just scan through me. Why don't you just listen to me using text-speech .
This selection of useful files was created by James Richardson. I am 14 and like others, know that Mac's are the BEST computers in the world. This is my contribution of files that was put together in quite a few rainy days. This is all FREE! I do not take any responsibility to anything you want to blame on me. If you wish to thank me though or give something as a sign of appreciation, go to my web-site.
Summary of Contents
A selection of weird & funky sounds for you to use. To use them as alert sounds, drop onto the system folder.
To put these icons on a folder/file just click on the icon you want once and go to the file menu and drag down to Get Info. Click on the icon picture and a box should appear around it, then choose copy from the edit menu. Do the same to the folder/file which you want to put the icon on, but instead of copying choose paste from the edit menu.
To put these onto you desktop just open the pattern file in a program, copy & then paste in your Desktop (Pictures/Patterns) control pattern.
EV Plug-ins
Want two new brilliant weapons for Escape Velocity & EV Override? Look no further, this contains a HEAVY MISSILE LAUNCHER and a SHIELD DRAINER. To install new weapons drag onto the plug-ins folder in Escape Velocity/EV Override. WARNING may conflict with other EV plug-ins!!!